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Project Goal

To design a new pool facility using the current McDonald gym at Endicott College that holds a pool, hot tubs, locker rooms, and bathrooms, whilst learning how to create a set of Construction Documents using Revit.

Project Focuses

Learning how to draw up Construction Documents

Programs Used




Fun Fact about this Project:

My professor submitted my set of construction documents for this project to CIDA (Council for Interior Design Accreditation)!

Conceptual Work

Concept Statement

Sea glass is physically and chemically weathered glass found on beaches along bodies of saltwater. But besides just being weathered glass, sea glass is also well regarded as a symbol of renewal and healing, a metaphor for life. The beaches Endicott has to offer are easily one of the many pride and joys of the school and sea glass can easily be found at any number of them. In fact, it’s a favorite pastime for most students to search for sea glass while at the beaches. Therefore, by incorporating elements of sea glass as my concept into the new Endicott Natatorium, I can make it a place where students come to heal and renew themselves, and bring a sense of joy that comes with searching for sea glass while at the Endicott beaches.

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Revit Drawings

Demolition Plan and Elevations

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New Construction Floor Plans

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Partition Types

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Reflected Ceiling Plans

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Building Sections

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Main Space Elevations

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Casework Drawing Set

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Enlarged Toilet Room Plans

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Power and Electrical Plan

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Fire Protection Plan

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Mechanical Plan

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