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Project Goal

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To redesign a two-story building in Lincoln, Massachusetts into a functional healthcare facility that inhabits an Emergency Department, Diagnostic Suite, Urgent Care Department, Short-term rehab facility, and a healing garden. While it is designed to function as such, the space itself is not meant to look or feel like a healthcare environment. With bright colors, spaces for relaxation throughout, and lots of natural light, PHAZE is a hospital that doesn’t look like a hospital.

Project Focuses

Space Planning

Universal Design

Community Driven

Staff Consideration


Patient Safety


Programs Used




Adobe Photoshop

Conceptual Work

The concept for the design of the PHAZE Health & Wellness Center is a caterpillar’s transition into a butterfly. PHAZE is all about fostering an environment in which everyone is able to transform and heal, becoming the best version of themselves, both physically and mentally. Everyone has potential to become their best and most beautiful selves, just like a caterpillar, and incorporating elements of the caterpillar’s transformative process will aid everyone who visits PHAZE to become a butterfly, that is, their best selves.

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Process Work

Process Sketches for my idea for a mezzanine conference room connecting two departments.

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Untitled-Artwork (50).jpg
Anchor 1
Anchor 2

Revit Drawings

Floor Plans

Floor Plan-Level 1.jpg
Anchor 3

First Floor

Emergency Department, Diagnostic Suite, Urgent Care, Healing Garden

Floor Plan-Level 2.jpg

Second Floor

Short-Term Rehab, Staff Break and Lounge

Floor Plan-Level 3.jpg


Cafe, Water Therapy, Secondary Healing Garden

Detail Work

Detail work involves custom elements made in Revit or Revit families that were big features of the project.

Anchor 4

Ramp throughout Healing Garden


Some features of this ramp include:

  • Landings every 30 ft (up to code)

  • Covered by annex on parts of incline, open on ramps

  • Goes throughout each floor up to the roof

Nature Installment with Seating

Screenshot 2022-06-25 121921.jpg
Screenshot 2022-06-25 121902.jpg

Mezzanine Conference Room

mazzanine section photoshopped.png
mezzanine conference room axon.jpg

Some features of this mezzanine conference room include:

  • Seating under it for waiting

  • Frosted Glass on either side of conference room for privacy, as well as ability to still see what's going on around

  • Cuts into second floor for seating on that floor

  • Seating on second floor has open space under for games, books, and magazines to keep people occupied

Some features of this nature installment include:

  • Seating on one side, including bench and swings to be a contrast from the stagnant patient beds

  • Open side on the other for vegetation

  • Organic forms and lines

  • Lighting along the bottom to indicate flooring change for universal design


Front of Building

Anchor 5
front of building view.jpg

Side of Building

side of building view.jpg


Anchor 6

Exterior of Building

exterior view photoshopped.png

ED Central Nurse Station

AC Central Nurse Station photoshopped.png

Urgent Care Axon

urgent care axon.png

Rest and Regeneration Area

nature installment view photoshopped.png

Outdoor Pharmacy

outdoor pharmacy photoshopped.png

Mezzanine Conference Room

Inside mezzanine conference room photoshopped.png

Short Term Rehab Single Patient Room

Single Rehab Room Photoshopped.png

Physical Therapy Area

physical therapy photoshopped.png

Aquatic Therapy Pool

Water therapy photoshopped.png

Rooftop Healing Garden

under roof photoshopped.png

Inside Ramp

inside ramp1 photoshopped.png

Healing Garden

healing garden 2 photoshopped.png

Healing Garden

inside healing garden 1 photoshopped.png

About the Healing Garden

The healing garden is the most central part of PHAZE Health & Wellness Center. It not only is a place where patients, staff, and visitors alike can come to destress and relax, but it is the culmination of the transformation concept that is so prominent throughout the rest of the design. It features a stone pathway, water fountain, areas for seating, access to elevators, lots of trees for shading, and butterflies that flutter throughout, all aspects that stimulate the senses for an immersive, transformative, and healing experience.

Anchor 7

Presentation Boards

Final Healthcare Project Boards VW_Page_1.jpg
Final Healthcare Project Boards VW_Page_2.jpg
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Final Healthcare Project Boards VW_Page_4.jpg
Final Healthcare Project Boards VW_Page_5.jpg
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